
Sale price$29.99

Chipsi Snake Substrate

Chipsi Snake Substrate

Just as we humans love to hop into a comfortable bed at the end of a long day, so too do our little critter friends. Chipsis range of organic, biodegradable exotic and small pet bedding is just the thing to bring nature back into your pets world, encouraging health and wellness in their everyday life.

Made from ultra-fine shaved softwood, Chipsis Snake substrate is a professional product that provides the best possible humidity management, so its also well-suited for use in moist terrariums. Dust-free and germ-free, this special litter has a pleasantly fresh scent and does not contain any etheric oils.

  • Very soft and loose
  • Extra absorbent
  • Odour-binding
  • Fully digestible and hygienic
  • Encourages snakes instinctive nest-building
  • Prevents mould

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